Friday, December 30, 2005

How's the weather?

I often hear the following question, "So...why do you like Sweden?"

To the guy who took a good 30 seconds to ponder whether I really meant it or not, all the while staring out the window watching oodles and oodles of snow pouring down, when I answered, "the weather," perhaps it really, really just wasn't meant to be.

I know that snow is supposed to make it seem lighter out, and if you're lucky, you can go out and make snow angels and build snowmen. But in the middle of a big city, snow is nothing but a great big pain in my ass. There are no lovely snow powdered fields here, there are just large grey puddles and very slippery sidewalks.

I curse thee, Ullr, thy viking god of snow.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

So why are you there? You remind me of the old fashioned motorcycle. The one where you must continually kick start, maybe 10 times, before the engine engages and you are off.
How many kick starts are you going to take? When does your engine start and you start traveling the road to somewhere?

11:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I några timmar efter att det precis snöat är det ju faktiskt fint med snö även här i stan. Då känns det nästan overkligt att vara ute och gå. Det låter helt annorlunda än vad det brukar göra utomhus också. Men du har rätt, efter det är det mest slaskigt.

11:27 AM  
Blogger joseph knecht said...

Rather proper hard-core snow than the pathetic mush we're being subjected to here...

Happy New Year, by the way. I look forward to post about how wonderful New Year's parties are in a country where buying a beer can decimate your life savings ;-)

12:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Håller med dig. Snö i stan blir snabbt en smustig sörja. Men som linnéa skriver. När den är nyfallen är det vackert även i stan!

(Jag har lagt en länk till din blogg från min. Utan att fråga om lov före - det gör jag nu. ;)Hoppas det är ok!)

12:46 PM  
Blogger Curiosa said...

Linnea, I'm actually complaining more about the experiences WHILE it snows. But actually, I LOVE coming inside looking like a drowned rat.

3:11 PM  

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