Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Bah Humbug

Well, it seems some of my neighbors are attempting to create a kind of festive Christmas spirit among those of us who live in the building. Never mind that I've never actually met any of these people, there seems to be a kind of "Christmas ghost" at work in our humble abode. For instance, suddenly a Christmas tree, donning a few strands of Christmas lights, appeared inside the entrace to the front door, with the following message attached to a watering can:

"Ge mig vatten om jag är torstig. Hälsningar, Granen" ("Give me water if I am thirsty. Greetings, the Tree")

The next day, when I left in the morning, two small stuffed dogs were mysteriously sitting under the tree. When I came back, a julbock (Christmas goat made of straw) had joined the menagerie. Two small stars had also been carefully placed on the boughs of the trees.

It's very exciting, because every time I enter or exit the building, I have to check and see if there have been any additions to our communal Christmas tree. I'm wondering if it's time that I add a few candy canes to the branches of the thirsty tree.

Or maybe some tiny American flags. I'm sure that would go over well.


Blogger eff said...

You should make sure to chant "U S A, U S A" loudly when you add the flags. That will make them love you more than you can ever imagine.

It does sound like a very nice building to live in. Cozy...

1:28 PM  
Blogger draksessan said...

How about hanging something really wierd in the tree? Like a clothes hanger or a tube of Kalles kaviar... THAT would be really hilarious!!!

1:30 PM  
Blogger Curiosa said...

hmmm, i must say the kalle's caviar IS a really tempting idea...

3:12 PM  
Blogger oscar said...

Yeay, maybe those där nya small tubes that they´ve recently börjat sälja.

7:56 PM  

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