Sunday, November 13, 2005

Five Things I've Learned About Dating in Sweden

1) Swedish guys make excellent boyfriends. You just have to figure out how to get them to talk in the first place (see number 5). A Swedish girlfriend put it this way: they make "fantastic boyfriends, terrible suitors."
2) Don’t expect them to pay for dinner, especially on a first date.
3) They are house broken. They are very skillful at cooking, cleaning, doing the dishes, and sometimes even seem to enjoy doing them. They are at the very least better than me at doing all of these things, although to tell the truth, that's not saying much.
4) They are in general very good looking, with great taste in clothes, shoes, and home furnishings (i.e. Fab Five). They also allow themselves to be quite open and sensitive. I have to keep reminding myself, no, they are not gay, they are just Swedish. (In fact, Swedish guys seem to be a bit more comfortable with their own sexuality, than for example, their average American counterpart.)
5) They are very shy when it comes to making the first move, unless there are substantial amounts of alcohol involved. If all else fails, hit them over the head with your club and drag them back to your cave.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

First class!

8:40 AM  
Blogger Curiosa said...


11:17 AM  
Blogger Johan Sundström said...

I wonder whether there is really much truth to point four. The rest of them, you probably got spot on, but I'm more sceptical about the supposed general great taste trait. :-)

8:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"If all else fails, hit them over the head with your club and drag them back to your cave."

If only more women where like you, maybe I would have a sculfracture and an IQ of 90, but atleast I wouldn't be single...

12:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

seriously i love you. this is so spot on and sounds like something i would say about my swedish bf.

5:28 PM  

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